Tumeric Milk 

The habit of healthy life or healthy lifestyle involves process of taking care of one's health using natural supplements which can provide the body system with active nutrients for living.

The act also involves limit on consumption if products or foodstuffs which contains too much oil.

Golden milk is one of healthier products to be used for healthy living method.

If you haven’t tried golden milk yet, you’re missing out! It’s a creamy (dairy-free), hot milk drink that’s filled to the brim with nutrients.

Yes, a delicious beverage with health benefits. Dreams do come true.

Sometimes you can combine health goals and deliciousness after all!

What Is Golden Milk?

Golden milk or turmeric milk is a traditional Indian drink currently gaining popularity in the Western world due to its potential health benefits.

Accordingly, it is known in India as an alternative remedy to strengthen the immune system and relieve ailments, such as:



Upset stomachs

The warm golden yellow drink is a lively mixture of heated almond (or coconut) milk, turmeric, ginger, and pepper.

Accordingly, turmeric milk can cheer you up in the morning, calm you down in the evening, or ease sore throats.

Also, many people drink golden milk instead of dessert, as some recipes contain cinnamon and honey.

However, those who drink golden milk for its health benefits should avoid honey and cow’s milk.

Golden milk has a creamy yellow color due to turmeric and in either way, turmeric is the dominant flavor in the warming drink. Although the root itself is not spicy, its earthy taste is a sound basis for other spices. For this reason, it’s curry powder’s main ingredient.

Moreover, ginger and pepper do not taste dominant in this traditional recipe, as they bathe in creamy turmeric milk. If you find golden milk bitter, I recommend adding cinnamon.

Besides a certain sweetness, the Christmas spice also has positive health effects, so you don’t have to economize with it.

Essential Health Benefits of Golden Milk

Since golden milk is an alternative remedy of Ayurvedic medicine because of its numerous benefits, here are 9 science-backed reasons why it can be healthy.

To make golden milk, a person must warm up nondairy milk with turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and other spices.

Many of these spices contain antioxidants or have anti-inflammatory properties. In this article, learn about the benefits of golden milk and how to make it.

•Improving mood

There is evidence to suggest that curcumin can help improve mood in people who consume it regularly.

Studies found that taking curcumin supplements could help reduce symptoms in people with major depressive disorder. Those taking both curcumin and antidepressant drugs saw the most significant improvement.

However, more research is necessary to determine its efficacy and the right doses, as the authors of the study also said that the results were not statistically significant

•Reduces Inflammation

The ingredients for this simple golden milk recipe are the perfect mix yielding natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Turmeric is the essential ingredient of golden milk. This yellow spice, popular in Asian cuisine, gives curry, for example, its yellow color.

Due to curcumin, a primary turmeric compound, the root has strong anti-inflammatory properties and bright orange color.

Accordingly, studies even claim that curcumin’s anti-inflammatory properties have medicinal qualities without the undesirable side effects of common drugs.

Against this background, chronic inflammation is a significant contributor to the development of ubiquitous diseases, such as:


✓Rheumatoid Arthritis

✓Type 2 diabetes

✓Mental disorders

Although curcumin itself is already one of the most potent, purely natural anti-inflammatory compounds, it can have an even more substantial effect combined with black pepper.

In addition to the centuries of use in Ayurvedic medicine and many animal experiments, human studies now confirm the anti-inflammatory benefits of curcumin. 

•Prevents Cell Damage

The curcuminoids in turmeric have outstanding antioxidant properties in addition to their anti-inflammatory effect.

For this reason, Ayurvedic medicine has been using turmeric for centuries. 

Additionally, many turmeric milk recipes include cinnamon and ginger, which also have remarkable antioxidant properties. 

Nevertheless, the real powerhouse is the main ingredient, turmeric. With an ORAC value of over 127000, it gives golden milk the potential to prevent cell damage.

ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) stands for a food’s ability to neutralize free oxygen radicals.

Free radicals are compounds that carry an additional oxygen molecule that causes damage to tissues with which it comes into contact.

With this in mind, curcuminoids can scavenge free radicals more than five times stronger than vitamins C and E. Moreover, they can absorb the free hydroxyl radical, which is considered the most reactive of all free radicals. 

Consequently, these health benefits of golden milk can help to ward off many diseases from bronchitis to insulin resistance to depression.

Furthermore, curcumin helps to protect healthy tissue and thus slows down the aging process.

•Relieves Pain

Due to our sedentary work style and high stress levels, more and more people suffer from pain.

Again, curcumin can help, as it can mitigate the following types of pain:

✓Joint pain

✓Bone and muscle pain

✓Headaches and migraines

✓Menstrual Pain

Moreover, the ginger in golden milk is also known for its effect against severe menstrual cramps and postoperative pain.

Further studies also claim that curcumin reduces pain and swelling in joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis. 

•Fights Off Bacteria and Viruses

As golden milk is often used in India as a household remedy due to its effect against colds, it is considered to strengthen the immune system.

Furthermore, studies suggest that curcumin in golden milk has antibacterial and antiviral properties to help fight infections. 

Also, researchers attribute properties to fresh ginger and cinnamon that can inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Against the coronavirus pandemic background, studies suggest that these two ingredients may help against respiratory infections.

•Improves Brain Function

Also, for biohackers who want to increase brain power, the benefits of golden milk can help. On the other hand, it can also help to prevent age-related dementia.

Curcumin can increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) release, which is responsible for forming new nerve cells in the brain.

For this reason, curcumin can help with depression, stress, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

So if your goal is to improve performance at work or university, there are good reasons why curcumin could help.

*Alleviate anxiety and depression

*Prevent neurodegenerative diseases

*Promote mental health

*Increase healthspan

Accordingly, research suggests that curcumin could reverse age-related limitations in brain function.

•Helps to Prevent Cancer

According to countless studies, curcumin is a promising means of preventing cancer and effectively limiting tumor growth.

Accordingly, studies suggest that curcumin can selectively kill cancer cells.

Nonetheless, caution is paramount in the prevention and treatment of a disease like cancer.

•Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Let’s stay with ginger and cinnamon because these ingredients can help to lower blood sugar levels too.

Accordingly, even the daily addition of fresh ginger to tea can lower the blood sugar level by more than 10%. Moreover, studies have shown that ginger can reduce hemoglobin A1C, a long-term blood sugar indicator, by 10%.

However, you must be aware that turmeric milk only has a chance of lowering blood sugar if it is unsweetened. Besides honey, cow’s milk in golden milk also can cause blood sugar to spike.

For this reason, I recommend using almond or coconut milk instead. The latter also makes the golden milk exceptionally creamy.

The addition of cinnamon, however, can have a positive effect on blood sugar. For example, even less than 5 grams of cinnamon per day can lower blood sugar levels by almost 30%.

•Protects Against Cardiovascular Diseases

Heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide. Nevertheless, it is in your hands to prevent heart disease.

Once again, it is the curcumin in golden milk that can prevent heart disease due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

*Improve vascular functions

*Lower blood pressure

*Prevent heart attacks and strokes

•Promotes Skin Health

Our skin serves as the first line of defense against viruses and toxins in our environment and a primary organ for the body’s detoxification.

Thus, and due to the influence of unnatural foods, many people suffer from skin problems.

As it improves wound healing, reduces skin inflammation and skin infections, curcumin can once again provide relief.

For this reason, soaps and other skincare products containing turmeric are flooding the market.

How to Make Golden Milk

In my experience, (canned) coconut milk and unsweetened almond milk are the perfect basis for creamy golden milk.

Accordingly, you can make a mixture of both, or use only almond milk if you want a lighter consistency, or only coconut milk if you want it to be heavier.

Besides, coconut milk and coconut oil can add healthy fats to the drink, which allows the body to better absorb curcumin due to its fat solubility.

Also, black pepper is mandatory, as it increases curcumin’s bioavailability enormously. 

Since I have tried fresh and ground turmeric, I have to say that the latter even has a better taste.

Furthermore, canned coconut milk should be oil-free but still have a high natural fat content, which makes the yellow turmeric milk creamier.

simple golden milk recipe: vegan, traditional, keto


Simple Golden Milk Recipe (Vegan, Keto, Traditional)

Prep Time1 minute

Cook Time4 minutes

Servings1 cup


1 cup Almond or Coconut Milk (or both)

1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder

1 slice Ginger (0.5 inches thick, finely chopped)

1 pinch Black Pepper

1/4 tsp Cinnamon (ground, optional)

1/2 tsp Coconut Oil (optional)

1/2 tsp Grass-Fed Butter (optional)

1 pinch Chili (optional)

1/2 tsp Honey (optional)


Warm coconut or almond milk in a small pot at medium heat.

Add the remaining ingredients in a large cup and mix.

Dribble a teaspoon of the warmed milk into the cup and mix until the liquid is smooth and lump-free.

Add the remaining milk and mix well. The remaining ginger pieces can stay in the cup or be strained.

Last but not least, you can season the golden milk to taste and add optional spices.

When Should I Drink Golden Milk?

When you should drink turmeric milk depends on your individual everyday life.

Unless you are on an intermittent fasting schedule, it is a warming eye-opener in the morning that can replace breakfast.

Moreover, golden milk can be a healthy alternative to desserts and round off both lunch and dinner.

Furthermore, the golden milk is related to turmeric tea and its effects, so it is also drunk in between at tea time.

In short, you can hardly use any other drink in so many ways.

Side Effects of Golden Milk

As a spice, tea or milk, turmeric is generally considered safe and can be consumed without severe side effects.

Accordingly, most studies on the effects of turmeric and also ginger report few to no side effects, although they perform better than commercially available drugs. 

However, some people may experience the following side effects in isolated cases:


✓Upset stomach


However, these rare side effects of golden milk are usually associated with excessive consumption.

For example, this can happen through the additional intake of turmeric supplements, so they are not suitable for pregnant women in particular.

Because of the potential high dosage, supplements can promote gallstones or kidney stones due to turmeric oxalates.

Moreover, some people may be allergic to turmeric, although turmeric allergies are relatively rare.

The Benefits of Golden Milk Can Outshine Rare Side Effects

Although it is not a miracle cure that can replace professional treatments, many people have had good golden milk experiences as a natural remedy.

According to studies, it can reduce the risks of those diseases that are significant causes of death. The preventive effect of golden milk ranges from cardiovascular diseases to cancer and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

However, do not buy ready-made mixtures, as the ingredients will hardly flatter your health.

Moreover, golden milk is healthy if it is unsweetened and prepared neither with oat nor cow’s milk, as these ingredients cause your blood sugar to skyrocket.

Furthermore, oat milk’s fat is usually highly inflammatory canola oil, inhibiting golden milk’s potential health benefits.

Since their lectin content harms gut health, I also avoid cashew and soy milk.

The Benefits of Golden Milk

Is it good to drink turmeric milk everyday?

On the one hand, drinking turmeric milk every day can have various health benefits. On the other hand, according to research, it hardly has side effects unless you take high doses of turmeric supplements.

Can you drink golden milk everyday?

Unless they are allergic or already take high doses of supplements, most people can drink golden milk daily.

Does Golden milk help you sleep?

Ayurvedic medicine leverages golden milk to help with upset stomachs. Moreover, it’s anti-inflammatory properties might aid sleep as well, as long as you don’t drink it very late.

Does Golden milk help with weight loss?

If you use high-quality coconut milk, add coconut oil, and don’t use honey, sugar, or sweeteners, golden milk can help with weight loss.


Golden milk may have several health benefits and has few risks unless a person is allergic to one of its ingredients.

For those interested in trying it, they can make their own recipe at home or buy a premade mixture.

It is worth noting that although golden milk may have health benefits, it is not a replacement for medical treatments.