
Maintaining a healthy life and building a strong lifestyle involves habitual exercising of the body, eating fruits, and vegetables to aid in blood circulation. 

As the health and lifestyle of human matters to me, I will giving you deep details about the importance of watermelon to the development of the body,skin, nails and the hair.

What is Watermelon?

Watermelon is a summertime staple, and truly one of the most beautiful, delicious, and fun fruits to enjoy.

Watermelon can be incorporate water into meals, snacks, drinks, and desserts.

Watermelon keeps you hydrated

Water isn’t in this fruit’s name by chance. One cup of watermelon contains five ounces of water (about the size of a yogurt container). Consuming an adequate amount of fluid—including from water-rich foods—supports circulation, skin health, and digestion. It also helps regulate body temperature, organ and joint function, metabolism, appetite, and waste elimination.

Being properly hydrated also impacts mental performance. Research shows that as little as a 1-3% loss of body fluid can impair mood, reduce concentration, increase headaches and fatigue, interfere with working memory, and boost anxiety.

It boasts key nutrients and few calories 

Watermelon is lower in calories and sugar than you may think. One cup of watermelon provides 45 calories from 11 grams of carbohydrate, 9 grams of which are naturally occurring sugar. But that natural sweetness is bundled with vitamins A and C, which support immune function and skin health, in addition to smaller amounts of potassium, magnesium, B vitamins, and health-protective antioxidants.

Here are the health benefits of Watermelon

•Satisfies Your Sweet Tooth

A cup of ice cream will set you back around 300 calories. You can enjoy the same amount of watermelon for just 45.6 calories. And unlike many other desserts, it’s fat-free, low in cholesterol, and has no sodium. Plus, the water in it will help you stay fuller longer. To make an easy sorbet, puree some watermelon in your blender, add a squeeze of lime, and pop in the freezer until it hardens.

•Boosts Your Workout


Watermelon’s high water content, antioxidants, and amino acids may make for a better workout. It’s also high in potassium, a mineral that could cut down on cramps at the gym. You can sip watermelon juice after you sweat, too. Doing so could help prevent muscle soreness, as long as you don’t push yourself too hard.

• Watermelon helps lower blood pressure and improve circulation

A natural substance found in watermelon called 'L-Citrulline' which is particularly found in the white part of the rind has been shown a medium which aid in improve artery function and lower blood pressure by helping blood vessels relax which opens up circulation.

L-citrulline’s impact on blood flow is also the reason watermelon has been deemed “nature’s Viagra.” (Viagra eases erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow in the penis.

Research also shows that L-citrulline may improve muscle oxygenation and athletic performance during endurance exercise.

•It reduces muscle soreness

Research indicates that watermelon juice taken by an athlete an hour before exercise experienced reduced muscle soreness and a quicker heart rate recovery compared to those who received a placebo drink.

•It can lead to healthy weight management

Watermelon may help support healthy weight management when it’s consumed in place of a processed sweet snack. 

Researchers found that watermelon promoted greater satiety than the cookies, and that satiety (diminished hunger, greater fullness, and a reduced desire to eat) lasted up to 90 minutes after eating. Additionally, the watermelon eaters lost weight, reduced their waist-to-hip ratios and blood pressure levels, and improved their antioxidant status and blood lipids.

•Watermelon offers digestive support

While watermelon isn’t very high in fiber, the fiber it does contain supports healthy gut function. The fruit also contains fluid and prebiotics, a type of fiber that stimulates the growth and/or activity of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine. Prebiotics are tied to healthy immune function, anti-inflammation, and positive mood. Prebiotics also boost mineral absorption, improve blood glucose and insulin levels, and may protect against colon cancer.

•It helps defend against disease

Watermelon is one of the best sources of lycopene, an antioxidant known to combat oxidative stress, which occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of cell-damaging free radicals and the body's ability to counter their harmful effects. 

The protection lycopene provides reduces the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer, as well as neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. For the most lycopene, opt for traditional pink flesh watermelon, which packs much more of the antioxidant compared to yellow and orange varieties.

•It may protect your skin 

If you’re a watermelon lover who takes full advantage of enjoying the fruit while it’s in season, it may offer some skin protection. Watermelon's vitamins A and C support healthy skin, and the fruit's lycopene content may protect against sun damage, although the effects are not immediate.

• Protects Your Joints

Watermelon has a natural pigment called beta-cryptoxanthin that may protect your joints from inflammation. Some studies show that over time, it could make you less likely to get rheumatoid arthritis.

•Easy on Your Eyes

Just one medium slice of watermelon gives you contains 9-11% of the vitamin A you need each day. This nutrient is one of the keys to keeping your eyes healthy. Foods are the best ways to get all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs.

•Naturally Sweet Hydration

Juicy watermelon is 92% water, so it’s a simple way to help stay hydrated. Every cell in your body needs water. Even a small shortage can make you feel sluggish. If you get really dehydrated, it can become serious enough that you need to get fluids by IV.

How to choose and store a ripe watermelon

The trick to choosing a ripe watermelon is to look for a yellow or cream-colored splotch or ground spot—the fruit’s key sign of peak ripeness. It should also feel heavy when you pick it up, since over 90% of a ripe watermelon is indeed water. To retain the most antioxidants—up to a 139% difference, according to one study —store your watermelon at room temperature. Just be sure to wash the melon before you slice it, to prevent bacteria from being transferred from the surface to the edible fruit.

Ways to enjoy this delicious fruit

Fresh watermelon is amazing as is, but it can also be incorporated into both sweet and savory recipes. Combine cubes or watermelon balls with other fresh fruit in a simple fruit salad, garnished with fresh mint or a sprinkle of fresh grated ginger or shredded coconut. Add watermelon to a garden vegetable salad, or serve over fresh greens dressed with balsamic vinaigrette. Skewer watermelon and lime juice-coated avocado chunks for a colorful snack or appetizer, served raw or grilled.

Make a batch of watermelon salsa by combining the chopped fruit with cucumber, red onion, jalapeno, cilantro, and lime juice.

 Combine seedless watermelon with fresh lemon juice and freeze for a refreshing slushy drink. Or blend watermelon with coconut milk and chopped dark chocolate, then pour into popsicle molds for an alternative to icy treats made with added sugar. For a simple dessert, dip fresh watermelon cubes in melted dark chocolate—the two treats pair surprisingly well.