A typical diagram of the human immune system.

The immune system defends the body against various diseases. It produces white blood cells that fights against bacteria, pathogens and other foreign bodies, etc. If it weren't for our immune system, we would have probably survived till date.

Our immune system is essential for our survival. Without an immune system, our bodies would be open to attack from bacteria, viruses, parasites, and more. It is our immune system that keeps us healthy as we drift through a sea of pathogens.

This vast network of cells and tissues is constantly on the lookout for invaders, and once an enemy is spotted, a complex attack is mounted.

The immune system is spread throughout the body and involves many types of cells, organs, proteins, and tissues. Crucially, it can distinguish our tissue from foreign tissue — self from non-self. Dead and faulty cells are also recognized and cleared away by the immune system.

If the immune system encounters a pathogen, for instance, a bacterium, virus, or parasite, it mounts a so-called immune response. Later, we will explain how this works, but first, we will introduce some of the main characters in the immune system.

In the times of Covid-19 pandemic, we need our immunity to be stronger than ever. A good immune system will not only decrease our chances of contracting the disease, but also increase our rate of survival in case we test positive for the virus.

But before learning how to boost our immunity, we must be aware of things that can weaken the immune system. 

The follow is a list of things and habits that can weaken your immune system: 

• You are a Mess in Stress

If you stress over each and everything, you are on a super speedy path to destroying your immunity. People who are always stressed are more prone to catch a cold or flu, because of weaker immunity as stress destroys white blood cells in the body and increases the body's level of cholesterol.

• You're not sleeping well enough

Lack of sleep can result in a weaker action on antigens by your body. So can't seem to stop binge-watching all night or can't get off your social media accounts, you're hampering your immunity! You must get at least 6-8 hours of sleep daily for a healthy body and strong immunity.

• You're always indoors

That shouldn't be the case right now, especially when the entire world is suffering from pandemic right!? But no one is asking you to step out and forget all about lockdown and social distancing. All you need to do here is to get some sunlight (Vitamin D) daily. Sunlight directly activates key immune cells and promotes their ciculation through the body. Obviously you don't have to risk skin issues by exposing yourself to harmful UV rays for long hours but getting at least 15-20 minutes of early morning, (not afternoon!) sunlight can help you a great deal.

• Your eating and drinking habits aren't up to the mark

If you are junk food lover who can't survive without packed, processed, or instant foods, you must be aware that consumption of such foods can lower your immunity as they have very high sodium content.

Your kidneys work extra hard to excrete that extra dose of sodium and in this process, your other bodily processes get hampered. So, please stay away from those instant noodles, potato chips and other forms of junk food!

Moreover, consuming excess sugar reduces the ability of white blood cells to destroy the bacteria.

Too much caffeine intake, coffee and tea, etc can lead to sleep deprivation and weaken your immunity.

Now that you're familiar with things that can hamper your immune system, here are a few tips on how to boost your immunity: 

• Keep stress and anxiety at bay. 

Think positively and distance yourself from toxic people. Always look at the bright sides of things. 

• Drink warm water with one tablespoon of honey at daytime.

To boost your immune system and to stay actively healthy and looking fresh,one must be using warm water mixed with a tea spoon full of honey in daily basis. The use of this will prolong your lifespan and also revitalize the body as well.

• Limit sugar Intake.

There are many people who have restore to too much intake of sugar on daily basis which isn't good for their health 

Taking too much sugary foods and other assorted items which are contain sugar will lead to diabetes and other diseases associated with sugar.

Sugar is sweet, but too much of it can sour your health. Whole foods like fruits, veggies, dairy, and grains have natural sugars. Your body digests those carbs slowly so your cells get a steady supply of energy. Added sugars, on the other hand, come in packaged foods and drinks. Your body does not need any added sugars.

• Keep yourself hydrated. Drink atleast 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Keeping hydrated is crucial for health and well-being, but many people do not consume enough fluids each day.

Around 60 percent of the body is made up of water, and around 71 percent of the planet’s surface is covered by water.

Perhaps it is the ubiquitous nature of water that means drinking enough each day is not at the top of many people’s lists of priorities.

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