A healthy day routine is possible when one follows a healthy morning lifestyle habits. About 80% of our day is determined by the morning habits we practiced and how we treat our body in the morning.

The feeling of watching the first light of the sun along with the feeling of fresh air that wakes up our body, our mind & our soul. The caffeine in a cup of coffee boosts up our energy. Likewise, these 7 healthy morning habits will approximately bring calmness, strength, boost up the immune system, desire to achieve, eagerness for hustling and control over emotions in our life.

As a writer,I can understand the difficulty of leaving that warm and cozy bed, that thought of throwing the alarm clock away and that possession to avoid the bright light even through a curtain.

But besides all these, I can also relate that feeling of waking up at once with a beep sound of an alarm and making bed, with that positive energy ready to grind over a whole day, this feel, a feel of accomplishment, inspiration to hustle and the feel of self-satisfaction. Stretch your body as you wake up & just say to yourself, “Let’s Do It Today”.

Waking up refreshed, motivated, with a positive and calm mindset, stretching our body, pumping our heart, filling our body with proper food, taking deep breaths, relaxing our body and starting our day, all these things are summarized in one’s best healthy morning habits. I am sure that day will be your best and the most productive day.

A wise morning routine can pay you for long-term goals, consequently providing you success in health, emotions, relationships, thoughts and many more. It boosts your confidence level and your self-esteem. Surely, it will motivate you to achieve your goals. It helps you to grind moreover any of the excuses.

Gentleman, with lots more benefits of healthy morning habits, why not to follow it as healthy lifestyle is part of building healthy home.

Here are 7 important Healthy Morning Habits Every Men Must Follow:

1 Don’t Even Touch That Snooze Button

Alarm Clock

First step to your healthy morning habits.

You have set an alarm for some reasons. Maybe the thoughts of going to the gym early in the morning, maybe going for a walk, reading a self-improvement book, to do your task, meditate or whatever you have planned doing in the peaceful and fresh morning environment.

Don’t let your plan or thought be your turnoff point without completing it or making that day the same as before when you were always lazy and forcing you to assume yourself a loser. Don’t let yourself feel worthless.

Just jump out of the bed at once, get motivated with your alarm. Take it as a timer, start to grind and start to hustle or you may be left behind.

Gentleman, you deserve something great. Take a step towards the best healthy morning habits.

2 Hydrate Your Body

Man Drinking Water From Water Bottle

Second on the list of 7 healthy morning habits.

Our body dehydrates during 7-8 hours of sleep. As you all know how important water is for our body as it is composed of about 70% water.

Drinking water first thing in an empty stomach has many benefits. Consequently, it helps to get rid of body toxins, boost and strengthens our immune system, provide fair & glowing skin and promotes shiny, smooth and healthy hair.

3 Take Cold Shower

Man Taking Cold Shower

Even if it is very hard to take a cold shower early in the morning, it surely helps greatly to jump start your day. It instantly wakes you up as you jump into the cold water.

It’s OK during summer time but we can’t even think about it during winter. Among other healthy morning habits mentioned in this article, it may be the difficult one for many but gentleman, this morning habit is really a worthy one.

Gentleman, you must not spend your whole bathroom time under that cold shower. Just a couple of minutes and your heart will start pumping blood all over your body and wakes you up in a second as cold water increases blood circulation and this results in high oxygen demand. You will start to take a deep breath which overcomes all the fatigue you may feel over the night.

Cold showers even promote healthy skin and hair as it tightens the pores of our skin.

So, Gentleman, start taking cold showers for at least a couple of minutes everyday. Experiment this for about a couple of weeks and feel the difference.

Grooming routines can also be done in the shower. This helps you to save your time as well.

#4 Read At Least 2 Pages of a book to activate your skills and knowledge

Reading something new or a book each makes one to learn, acquired new skills, knowledge, capacity to exploit. You can't be a successful gentleman without learning new things everyday.

What you will do, how you will do and when you will do it, all depends upon your thoughts and your knowledge. Your brain also needs some exercise as your body to work efficiently and sharply. More efficiently your brain will work as you train it hard. Gather as much information and you are ready to tackle all your problems.

Reading books also elevates your mindset. In today’s world, people with much information are the strongest one. And all the information needed for you, you will get from the books. It helps you to understand and broaden your perceptions as well.

#5 Meditate


Control over your emotions and you can get over anything, you can achieve anything. Let your mind be calm for a while, let it flow on its way. Let it discover the power of peace. All these can be achieved from a minute of meditation.

I know, it will be a bit difficult to be familiar with meditating habits but keep on practicing. Once you get into it, sure, you will start to feel different. You will find yourself upgraded.

#6 Stretch & Exercise

Man Doing Body-Weight Exercise

Gentleman, another healthy morning habit directly related to your overall health as well.

Tiredness over the whole night, low energy to get started? I can feel all these situations.

But for sure, wake up and stretch your body. It will instantly wake you up. Do some cardio, go out for about 15 minutes of walk, do some push ups, and just pump up your heart. This will release a chemical called Endorphins. These endorphins react with your brain receptor and help in reducing pain.

Endorphin also helps in triggering a positive feeling to your body. Regular exercise also helps you to reduce stress, fight anxiety and depressions, boost your self-esteem and improve your sleep.

So, wake up and pump up your heart, grind for that extra miles and that extra reps day by day.

#7 Healthy Breakfast

Last in this list of 7 healthy morning habits.

After you have completed all the above mentioned morning habits, it’s time to fuel your body.

Our body is the same as a machine. You should top up with a proper and high graded fuel in order to make it work efficiently. You must take proper food in our body in order to work to your potential, both mentally and physically. And all these steps start after having a great healthy breakfast.

You should have breakfast like a king. Be matured guys, eat like a gentleman, have some fibers, enough proteins, carbs in your breakfast. Go grab some of those from the grocery nearby yourself. You must know what goes inside your stomach. Make your breakfast by yourself as much as possible.

Healthy Breakfast consequently upgrades your performance throughout your day. Enough calories in your breakfast fights fatigue, promotes energy to achieve your goal and prepares you as a heavy duty machine.


To have a healthy morning lifestyle habits as a perfect gentleman and to feel energetic, comfort and productive, the above 7 habits that I have talked about are the strategies to adopt which will provide a great boost to your confidence as well.