Papaya is the fruit of the Carica papaya plant. The papaya is incredibly healthy tropical fruit.

It fight against the dieseases, it is loaded with antioxidants that can reduce inflammation and help you looking young.

Hare are 8 vibrant health benefits of papaya


In a papaya there is lot amount of nutrition. It includes enzyme which is known as papain enzyme. It helps to break your tuff protien.

In a old time when people making meat they mix papaya pieces in meat ,because it includes enzyme. These enzyme helps to melt meat fastly. The meat includes more protien and these enzyme helps to melt protien.if you are non – vegitarian start eating papaya it helps to digest meat easily.

It also includes vitamins, vitamim A,B ,E, K. This helps to fulfill all the point of vitamins. It also includes minerals known as- potassium, calcium, magnesium.

One small papaya (152gram) includes

Potassium 11% of the RDI

Carbohydrates 15 gram

Calories 59

Fiber 3 gram

Protien 1 gram

Vitamin-C 57% of the RDI

Vitamin-K 33% of the RDI

Folate (vitamin B9) 14% of the RDI


First you want to understand the works of antioxidants. Metabolism, during metabolism in our body. This metabolism generate free redicals. This free redicals are bad for our body. It increases stress level. It gives birth to many dieseases.

In this fruit there is an important enzyme. Which name is lycopene. From many vegitables and fruits only papaya fruit includes lycopene enzyme. It includes very strong , hard, powerful antioxidants which helps to kill free redicals in our body.

What is the best te to eat papaya?

It is a summer fruit, so summer is a best season to eat this. While the summer fruit list is long but you must want to include papaya in your diet, cansume it an empty stomach.

Is it ok to eat papaya everyday?

eating more and more may helps to boost you heart health.studies shows that the fruits which are high in lycopene and vitamin-c may help to prevent heart disease. Papaye includes antioxidants enhance the protective effects of (good) HDL cholesterol.


This fruit is simple fruit and many people,s don’t like it. But it provides many benefits. This fruit include property which kill cancer cells. The lycopene enzyme include in it helps to kill cancer cells. If any person in your family has complaint against cancer eat papaya , it helps to kill some cancer cells.


This fruit cleans stomach. This amazing fruit is benefited for digestion. Papain enzyme present in papaya beneficial In constipation and bowl syndrome patient. If you have any problem related to digestion, it is good for you.


It works very good in chronic inflammatory candition.chromic inflammatory like:- skin problems, chronic candition etc. This fruit helps to kill inflammatory cells. It is very beneficial for chronic candition.


papaya is very beneficial for heart. The lycopene enzyme and vitamin-c in this fruit helps to low heart diseases. Specially, it also helps to low cholesterol. It also low LDL. It increases SDL known as good fat, good cholesterol.

Increase in the amount of cholesterol increases many dieseases in our body. This is very beneficial to decreases heart dieseases.


It involves antioxidants which kills free redicals. It low the darkspots, lines on our face skin. The vitamin C, and lycopene in it protect you skin and mayhelp to reduce aging.

papaya has a unique taste that many people loving it.

An unripe papaya can taste very diffrent from a perfectly ripe one.when optimally ripe ,it should be yellow to orange, red in colour, although few green spots are fine like an avacado. It’s skin should yield to gentle pressure.

It’s flavour is best when it it cool. so, it’s a good idea to refrigerated whenever possible.

Who should not eat papaya?
You should not eat it in some cases. According to science, green papaye is harmful for pregnant women. The cansumption of roots, seeds and infuse os papaye leaves may cause miscarriages. The unripe papaye has high concentration of latex. Which can lead to unwanted termination of pregnancy.

Why papaya should not be eaten at night?
It can be eaten at night as it acts as locative and cleans the colon. However, fruits should be avoided at least 4-5 hours after meal.