The health benefits of lemon are attributed to its vitamin C content. Lemon help improve skin health, encourage weight loss, and can act as a breath freshener. 

Lemons may also help with dental problems, throat infections, and high blood pressure. These citrus fruits can also be used in skin and hair care. Lemon may also help to strengthen your immune system.

Lemon juice, especially, has several health benefits associated with it. Even more, as a refreshing drink, lemonade helps you stay calm and cool.

What is Lemon?

Lemon is a yellow citrus fruit that belongs to the Rutaceae family. Its scientific name is Citrus limon and it is native to South Asia. Lemons are mostly round or oval in shape and they have a thick skin. 

The juice of these fruits has a sour, acidic taste due to the presence of citric acid in it. Lemons are treasured for their high vitamin C content. They are used to add flavor to baked goods, cocktails, salad dressings, sauces, and desserts.

It’s tangy, tart, and yet a bit sweet all at the same time! It tastes as good in soup and on chicken as it does in pie and cake.

Truth be told, lemon is one of the most versatile fruits on the planet, and it can be used in so many different places. But did you know that it’s also one of the healthiest and most useful fruits on Earth?

Surprising Benefits Of Lemon | Organic Facts

People make lemonade by mixing lemon juice and water. Drinking its juice with olive oil is a known home remedy for gallstones. As per the results reported in a study by the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, lemon water may provide some protection against inflammatory polyarthritis and arthritis, too. However, more research is needed to confirm the efficacy of these results. Many also use it as a washing agent, because of its ability to remove stains. Its strong scent can also repel mosquitoes.

The health benefits of lemon are due to its many nourishing elements. According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, it contains a good amount of vitamin C, and a small amount of a number of vitamins and minerals, including B-vitamins (niacin, folate, thiamin, riboflavin) as well as potassium, zinc, and magnesium. 

Amazing Benefits of Lemon:

Various health benefits of this zesty citrus fruit are explained in detail below:

May Manage Hypertension

Lemon juice might help you manage your blood pressure with long term use.

According to researches, regular consumption of lemon combined with walking (average body movement) was effective in lowering high blood pressure. 

A 2014 research article shows that the blood pressure-lowering properties of lemon juice are especially evident in people with hypertension, rather than among people with normal blood pressure. 

May Aid in Weight Loss

Drinking warm water with lemon and honey in the morning is said to aid your weight loss efforts. While that might or might not work for you, a research study performed on mice confirmed that polyphenols present in it can suppress body weight gain and body fat accumulation. This could have positive implications for lemon juice drinks in human weight loss. 

Lemon honey juice fasting (LHJF) also known as short-term LHJF may help in reducing body weight, fat mass, and total serum triglycerides. 

May Help Prevent Kidney Stones

Both, the fresh fruit and lemon juice concentrate, have more citric acid content per liter than grapefruit juice and orange juice concentrate. This is confirmed through a study in the Journal of Endourology. 

Another study confirmed that the high citric acid content in the fruit can help increase urinary citrate levels more than 2-fold without changing the total urinary volume. Thus, lemonade therapy can be used as a secondary therapy for the treatment of hypocitraturia calcium nephrolithiasis (urinary stones formed due to low citrate consumption). [10]

Studies conducted at the American Urological Association highlight the fact that lemonade or the juice can eliminate the occurrence of kidney stones by forming urinary citrate, which prevents the formation of crystals. 

Dental Care

A study headed by Helsinki University reports that low concentrations of vitamin C can cause periodontitis (gum infection). 

Lemon can be used in cleaning teeth. While most remedies will advocate using lemon and baking soda, try and avoid it as it may lead to dental erosion. The safest way is to choose a toothpaste containing this fruit as one of the ingredients. If you are keen to use lemon or its juice for oral care, it is best to consult with a medical expert before trying out anything new.

Hair Care

Anecdotal evidence shows that Palestinian folk remedies treasure lemon for its hair care properties. Lemon juice combined with chamomile paste and apple cider vinegar has long been used there to change hair texture. 

Lemon juice has proven itself useful in the treatment of damaged hair on a wide scale. When mixed with olive oil and applied to the scalp, the juice can arrest problems like dandruff, hair loss, and other problems related to the hair and scalp. Many beauty experts also suggest that if you apply this juice directly to the hair, it can give your hair a natural shine as well. However, an ample amount of research is still awaited. 

Here are 7 Amazing Ways to Use Lemon Juice for Hair Growth

Skin Care

Lemon juice, being a natural antiseptic medicine, can also cure problems related to the skin. The juice contains vitamin C, and therefore, it can be applied to reduce the pain of sunburns and bee stings as well. It is also good for acne and eczema. 

Citrus juices like lemon juice act as an anti-aging remedy and can reduce wrinkles and blackheads. 

Drinking its juice mixed with water and honey can bring a healthy glow to the skin. Many over-the-counter cosmetic products also contain lemon as a natural skincare agent.

Find out How To Use Lemon Juice For Skin

Lemon is a yellow citrus fruit that belongs to the Rutaceae family.

Anticoagulant Properties

Very few research studies have been conducted to determine the anticoagulant properties of lemon.

A 2014 study conducted on rabbits shows that lemon contains an anti-thrombin component, which means that it may help in regulating blood clotting and may prevent excess loss of blood in case of an injury. 

May Relieve Asthma

Lemon juice can assist in relieving respiratory problems and breathing problems, such as its ability to soothe a person suffering from asthma.

Being a rich source of vitamin C, it can help in dealing with more long-term respiratory disorders as well. 

May Reduce Corns

Lemon juice can help dissolve lumps on the skin. So it can be applied to the areas where the skin has hardened up developing corns and calluses, like the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands. 

Throat Infections

Lemon is an excellent fruit that fights problems related to throat infections, due to its well-known antibacterial properties. You can add it to your soups or teas for relief. 

Using Lemon In Your Diet

There are many ways to add a squeeze of lemon to your diet. You can toss a spoon of its juice on your salads, add it to your tea, or simply mix it with cucumber water for more flavor. One lemon gives you about 2-3 tablespoons of juice but that may also vary depending on the size of the lemon. So, you can use it accordingly in your recipes by following the guide here.