Depression is one of the major of issues the world is actually facing as many young people are dieing slowly.

Sadness, feeling down, and having a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities are familiar feelings for all of us. But if they persist and affect our lives substantially, the issue may be depression.

Depression is the main cause of disabilityTrusted Source worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It can affect adults, adolescents, and children.

The word 'depression' is a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity.

 It can happen to people with a negative mindset at any age. Negativity increases hopelessness. It could be for one or more reasons. As a result of such a mental state, a person loses the desire to perform normal actions or becomes inactive. Every aspect of life gets a massive setback and life becomes a burden. 

It can even take a deadly shape, i.e. suicide. So it is very important to be careful about this from the beginning. Seeking the advice of a psychiatrist is a proper solution to get rid of this.

Depression – An Alarming Mental Health Problem

Depression is not limited to any province, state, or country. It is increasing drastically in modern life. Millions of people from every walk of life are fighting this disease. 

It has become an alarming mental health problem. Many highly specialized psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, private and public sector health workers are paying their tremendous efforts to fight against this.

To increase awareness among people, “World Mental Health Day” is observed on 10th October every year.

More than 150 million people are affected by this disease in India and the number of cases are increasing.

Major life events, such as bereavement or the loss of a job, can lead toTrusted Source depression. However, doctors only consider feelings of grief to be part of depression if they persist.

Depression is an ongoing problem, not a passing one. It consists of episodes during which the symptoms last for at least 2 weeks. Depression can last for several weeks, months, or years.

Signs and Symbols of Depression

The symptoms of depression can include:

1.A depressed mood

2.Reduced interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed

3.A loss of sexual desire

4.Changes in appetite

5.Unintentional weight loss or gain

6.Sleeping too much or too little

7Agitation, restlessness, and pacing up and down

8.Slowed movement and speech

9.Fatigue or loss of energy

10.Feelings of worthlessness or guilt

difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions

11.Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, or an attempt at suicide

Find out more about recognizing the hidden signs of depression.

In females

Depression is nearly twice as commonTrusted Source among women as men, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Below are some symptoms of depression that tend to appear more often in females:



mood swings


ruminating (dwelling on negative thoughts)

Also, some types of depression are unique to females, such as:

postpartum depression

premenstrual dysphoric disorder

In males

Around 9% of men in the United States have feelings of depression or anxiety, according to the American Psychological Association.

Males with depression are more likely than females to drink alcohol in excess, display anger, and engage in risk-taking as a result of the disorder.

Other symptoms of depression in males may include:

avoiding families and social situations

working without a break

having difficulty keeping up with work and family responsibilities

displaying abusive or controlling behavior in relationships

Learn more about the symptoms of depression in men.

In college students

Time at college can stressful, and a person may be dealing with other lifestyles, cultures, and experiences for the first time.

Some students have difficulty coping with these changes, and they may develop depression, anxiety, or both as a result.

Symptoms of depression in college students may include:

difficulty concentrating on schoolwork


sleeping too much

a decrease or increase in appetite

avoiding social situations and activities that they used to enjoy

In teens

Physical changes, peer pressure, and other factors can contribute to depression in teenagers.

They may experience some of the following symptoms:

withdrawing from friends and family

difficulty concentrating on schoolwork

feeling guilty, helpless, or worthless

restlessness, such as an inability to sit still

In children

The CDC estimate that, in the U.S., 3.2%Trusted Source of children and teens aged 3–17 have a diagnosis of depression.

In children, symptoms can make schoolwork and social activities challenging. They may experience symptoms such as:


low energy


defiant behavior

vocal outbursts

Younger children may have difficulty expressing how they feel in words. This can make it harder for them to explain their feelings of sadness.


The medical community does not fully understand the causes of depression. There are many possible causes, and sometimes, various factors combine to trigger symptoms.

Factors that are likely to play a role include:

genetic features

changes in the brain’s neurotransmitter levels

environmental factors

psychological and social factors

additional conditions, such as bipolar disorder

Symptoms and Reasons


 Sometimes minors are also affected by depression but in most cases they cannot express their misery.


Anger, stillness, lack of concentration in study, loath to study, behavioral change.


Minors are very sensitive. They want affection from their parents. But in many cases, minors feel lonely especially when they stay home with an attendant. The absence of parents create a vacuum in their minds. Parental discord, divorce, stay in a hostel for long periods are some of the important negative sides which affect a child’s mind.

Young Generation

Youths are the backbone of any society or nation. They carry the legacy of development. But all youths are not that lucky to carry such a legacy because depression ceases their prosperous thinking ability.


Irregularity in School or classes, negligence in the study, quarrel with classmates, harsh manner, not following orders of parents, cruelty, reluctance, fatigue, hopelessness, suicidal tendency.


Frustration, excessive stress, undesired exam, result, family burden, financial hardship, excessive misguided friend contact, drug addiction.

Mature Men

Many mature men are suffering from one or more mental disorders.


Irritable mood, anger, insomnia, fatigue, lack of interest in work, negative thinking, cruel behavior.


Mental stress related to excessive workload, lack of confidence, financial deterioration, job insecurity, job loss, massive business loss.

Relationship discord, marital problem, divorce.

Unrestrained living, severe intoxication, social issues, communication with misguided friends, physical problems, i.e. obesity, cardiac problem, cancer, chronic illness etc.


Mature women suffer much more depression than men.


The following two types of symptoms are common among women.

Postpartum Depression

Premenstrual Dysphoric Depression

Other symptoms are irritable mood, insomnia, fatigue, drowsiness, anger, neglect of the child, suicidality.


Excessive thinking about the birth of a baby, menstrual anxiety.

Domestic violence, suppression, doubts, divorce, continuous negative thinking, fatigue, insomnia, loss of family member, family burden.

Aged People


Pessimism, insomnia, reluctance of life.


Early death of child, financial hardship, illness, living home alone, stay at old age home.

Categories of Depression

According to medical terminology causes of depression are defined in the following categories:

Mental and behavioral disorder

Major depressions

Major depression is known as clinical depression or unipolar depression. It’s a most common type of depression that are seen among many people. Depending upon the acuteness of depression it may become a major depressive disorder.


Melancholia is a type of extreme thought disorder when a person feels tearful sadness and irrational fears. It’s a short term mental disorder. But it may become a serious mental disorder if it is not properly taken care of.

Persistent depressive disorder

Persistent depressive disorder is known as Dysthymia. It’s a mild chronic depressive disorder of the mind that can last for a longer period. It happens when a person receives setback from an unexpected incident.

 Schizophrenia - a psychotic disorder

Any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortion of reality and disturbance of thoughts and language and withdrawal from social contact is known as Schizophrenia. It’s a terrible disorder that needs immediate attention and care.

Mood disorders

Seasonal affective disorder

Seasonal affective disorder is a type of mood disorder when it starts and ends with a season. It’s a recurring disorder that affects the mind at the same time every year. Most of people are affected by this disorder. For example, summer days can annoy somebody. Again, the arrival of winter days can annoy somebody.

Antenatal and postnatal depression

Antenatal and postnatal depression is observed among many pregnant women. The popular term for it is ‘baby blue'. It’s a general stress related to pregnancy and the birth of a baby.

But sometimes it turns out as a depressive disorder that affects the health of a baby.

Bipolar affective disorders

It’s a maniac disorder. In this case, a person lives in the outer world and does not want to believe the reality and feels like hallucinations.

Cyclothymic disorder

It’s a type of maniac disorder in which the mood of a person frequently changes. It’s different from Bipolar affective disorder. Cyclothymic disorder is relatively a milder disorder that lasts for a shorter period.

Prime reasons for depressive disorder

• Hereditary problem

• Socioeconomic problem

• Family-related problem

Evaluation Of Depression

Under no circumstances is depression good for the human body and mind. Despair can slowly destroy a life. A beautiful, transparent life can be endangered if you give place to frustration in any situation.


Psychotherapy may help a person manage their symptoms of depression.

Depression is treatable, and managing symptoms usually involves three components:

Support: This can range from discussing practical solutions and possible causes to educating family members.

Psychotherapy: Also known as talking therapy, some options include one-to-one counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Drug treatment: A doctor may prescribe antidepressants.

Antidepressants can help treat moderate-to-severe depression.

Several classes of antidepressants are available:
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
tricyclic antidepressants
atypical antidepressants
selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
Each class acts on a different neurotransmitter or combination of neurotransmitters.

A person should only take these medications as their doctor prescribes. Some drugs can take a while to have an impact. By stopping the drug, a person may not experience the benefits that it could offer.

Some people stop taking medication after symptoms improve, but this can lead to a relapse.

Raise any concerns about antidepressants with a doctor, including any intention to stop taking the medication.

Here, learn more about antidepressants and how they can help.

Medication side effects
SSRIs and SNRIs can have side effects. A person may experience:

low blood sugar
weight loss
a rash
sexual dysfunction
Find out more about the possible side effects of antidepressants here.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requireTrusted Source manufacturers to add warnings to the packaging of antidepressant drugs.

The warnings should indicate that, among other risks, these medications may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some children, teenagers, and young adults within the first few months of treatment.

Natural remedies
Some people use natural remedies, such as herbal medicines, to treat mild-to-moderate depression.

However, since the FDA do not monitor herbal remedies, manufacturers may not be truthful about the quality of these products. They may not be safe or effective.

The following are some of the more popular herbs and plants that people use to treat depression:

St. John’s wort: This is not suitable for people who have or may have bipolar disorder. Learn more here.

Ginseng: Practitioners of traditional medicine may use this to improve mental clarity and reduce stress. Find out more here about ginseng.

Chamomile: This contains flavonoids that may have an antidepressant effect. For more information about chamomile, click here.

Lavender: This may help reduce anxiety and insomnia. Learn more here about lavender.

It is essential to speak to a doctor before using any type of herbal remedy or supplement to treat depression. Some herbs can interfere with the action of drugs or otherwise make symptoms worse.


A person may take the herbs above as supplements to treat symptoms of mild-to-moderate depression. Other types of supplements may also help treat these symptoms.

It is important to remember that the FDA do not monitor supplements to ensure that they are effective or safe.

Nonherbal supplements that may help treat depression include:

S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe): This is a synthetic form of a natural chemical in the body.

5-hydroxytryptophan: This may help boost serotonin, the neurotransmitter in the brain that affects a person’s mood.

Some research has suggested that SAMe may be as helpful as the prescription antidepressants imipramine and escitalopram, but more investigation is necessary.

Food and diet
Eating a lot of sugary or processed foods can lead to various physical health problems. Results of a 2019 studyTrusted Source suggest that a diet that includes many of these types of food could affect the mental health of young adults.

The study also found that eating more of the following foods helped reduce depression symptoms:

olive oil
Can other foods worsen or improve depression symptoms? Find out here.

Psychological, or talking, therapies for depression include CBT, interpersonal psychotherapy, and problem-solving treatment, among others.

For some forms of depression, psychotherapy is usually the first-line treatment, while some people respond better to a combination of psychotherapy and medications.


Do not be discouraged in any situation. No matter how great the frustration is, you can overcome it. If you can’t get rid of depression in any way, you should seek the advice of a psychiatrist and follow his advice.

In addition, regular exercise, pranayama is very important.

Nutritious meals should be taken and honest counselors should be accompanied.

 The quality of life should be enhanced by reading books regularly, playing sports, listening to music and worshiping God, etc. These will help you to create a positive and healthy mind.

A positive and optimistic mind is always free from such a terrible disease.