
Running can be a great form of exercise. It can be a combination of jogging and walking fast. Brisk walking can also be combined to jogging lightly. You can choose your pace and drink some water in between.

You can run daily, on weekdays or on weekends.

I choose to run during Saturdays and Sundays. I can religiously run during weekends due to days off from job and a full sleep at night. I like to add running as one of my activities to do each week.

Running can be fun activity to do with your family members and friends.

There are various benefits that you can get from running. You can gain alot from putting in some minutes into this activity.

I listed 6 benefits that can make you interested with running.

1. Running is good for your health.
2. Running is good for your mind.
3. Running can give you an inspiration.
4. Running can help you be fearless.
5. Running can help you fight bad habits
6. Running can be educational, you can listed to great podcasts.

1. Running is good for your health.

Running can be good to be able to stay in shape. You can lose the excess fats and maintain your desired weight if you run as your form of exercise.

Running gives you health for your heart, legs and overall body. Running can make you so active and also strengthen your muscles.

2. Running is good for your mind.

If you are stressed over something going on in your life, running can help you as a healthy distraction!

Running can give you the air to breathe out of the toxic thoughts that are in your mind. It can relieve the stress in your day. After 30-45 minutes of continuous running, you will have the power to conquer any challenge in your life.

3. Running can give you inspiration.

Whether you need an inspiration to paint, draw an art, write a book or start writing for your blog, running can be a great start. You can find an inspiration while seeing great views while running. You can also immerse yourself in the sounds of the birds around you while you run.

Listening to various sounds, seeing the bright sun, and feeling the air can give you the creativity that you need for your artwork.

4. Running can help you be fearless.

You might have many worries in life. You might see yourself as less deserving of the blessings you are receiving. These negative thoughts can bring you down and be paralyzed altogether.

Running can make you get up from bed and start doing the things you thought you can't do. You can run and leave the worries behind. You can run and be thankful that you have your body to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

5. Running can help you fight bad habits

You might be a procrastinator or just feeling lazy in general. Running even on weekends can help you be productive because it can boost your energy.

Running has the effect of making you want to create and do things. You can also replace a bad habit with running. You can replace mindless use of social media with running for half an hour as soon as you wake up.

6. Running can be educational, you can listen to great podcasts.

Having earphones on while running can also make you learn while staying in shape. You can combine these two activities. Run while listening to music, podcast or educational audios.

You can gain knowledge and perspective while running. You will also feel productive while doing these things.

These are some of the benefits you can get from running. You can enjoy your morning with family while running. Don't forget to eat breakfast after running and drink some natural juice to replenish the water and nutrients your body needed.

Set your running schedule and take advantage of these benefits. You must aspire to do more and be more. You might also find some benefits for you that were not included in this list. What are you waiting for? Put on your running shoes, bring some water take the first step and run now!

